It is an approach in which all kinds of businesses producing goods or services shorten the flow time by getting rid of waste with the participation of all employees and always aim for excellence with high quality and profitability by organizing all production resources according to customer demand.


Lean Transformation

It is the operational and managerial transformation of any business that produces with traditional methods by using lean techniques. There are four Lean fundamentals that will underpin Lean transformation. These are;

Working according to the takt time,

Establishment of a one-piece flow system,

Standardization of work,

Linking the customer order to production with a pull system,

A business that aims to achieve lean transformation must shape its organization according to the Lean Philosophy in order to make this philosophy permanent. The basis of Lean Philosophy is respect for people. The organizational structure established by putting people at the center aims to train employees with a problem-solving culture. Thus, all employees, from the bottom to the top, seek to make the Lean Philosophy sustainable and manage the company accordingly.


What are the Areas of Waste (Mudas)?

Any process that does not create value is called waste. Wastage in businesses usually appears in 8 ways.

Overproduction Producing before and more than necessary

Stock: Having more raw materials, semi-finished products or finished goods on hand than necessary

Waiting: Operator waiting for the machine to finish, machine waiting for the operator, machine and operator waiting for materials

Excessive (Unnecessary) Operation: Unnecessary movements of operators or machinery that do not add value to the product

Reprocessing (Errors): Reprocessing to correct errors

Unnecessary Movements: Unnecessary movements of operators and machines that do not create value for the product (walking to get material, walking to the workbench or machine).

Unnecessary Transportation: Transportation of material or equipment to the production site

Not utilizing the talents of employees: Not evaluating the suggestions and ideas of employees. Creating an employee profile that does not think

What are Lean Techniques?

Kaizen Continuous Improvement

JIT: Just in Time Production

Value Stream Mapping

Pull System, Kanban

5 S, Visual Management, Andon

Poka-Yoke: Error Prevention Systems

Yamazumi Balancing Work and Capacity

Continuous Flow

Heijunka Balanced Production

Hoshin-Kanri Strategic Management

Jidoka Autonomation

Standard Work

A3 Problem Solving

Asakai Meetings Morning Meetings

Smed Reducing Model Changeover Times

TPM, Autonomous Maintenance

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